projects (selection)
For further project examples, please contact me.
Communication and participation for a neighborhood park in the Eberhardshof district, Nuremberg
As part of the employment with slapa & die raumplaner gmbh for the city of Nuremberg
The western part of Nuremberg is characterized by structural change. In the Eberhardshof neighborhood, a public park is to be built on parts of the former Quelle area, once the headquarters of a mail ordering catalog company. The development and planning of the new park was intensively accompanied by the public from the onset. The aim was to develop a comprehensive communication and an activating and sustainable participation strategy.
Commissioned by the City of Nuremberg, the project team designed the communication process and realized the participation modules on site, including interviews with stakeholders, a survey of citizens with a mobile "wish tree", a festival day on the future park site and a planning workshop. In addition, an online dialogue at offered opportunities to actively participate in the process.
As a result of the participation process, there are publicly supported guidelines and conditions for the use and design of the future park. On this basis, landscape architects designed concrete plans for the park, which opened in 2020.
Pictures: slapa & die raumplaner gmbh
Eisenbahnstraße/downtown coordination, Eberswalde
As part of the employment with slapa & die raumplaner gmbh for Wirtschafts-Interessen-Ring Eberswalde e.V.
The project "Eisenbahnstraße – together for a better quality of life" was one of six pilot projects (website in German) of the former Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS), represented by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). The project was located in Eberswalde, about 50 km northeast of Berlin.
One of the city´s main thoroughfares, Eisenbahnstraße connects the train station with the city center and is the spine for an important downtown district for both residential uses, retail, and services. Nevertheless, the street faces several challenges, including vacancies, deteriorating landmark buildings, and high traffic volumes. In addition, the inner city’s revival since 1990 has had a negative impact on the street. A local non-profit organization commissioned the Berlin planning firm slapa & die raumplaner gmbh with the so-called Eisenbahnstraße coordination. The project, led by Jan Schultheiß, aimed to address the street’s challenges, to improve its image, and to strengthen civic engagement.
Based on an integrated action plan, Jan Schultheiß informed, consulted, and activated the local stakeholders. In thematic talks and workshops property owners, businessmen, and cultural initiatives had opportunities to network and to cooperate with each other. Moreover, Jan Schultheiß advised them on how to apply for funding – one program was especially put in place to realize micro-projects in the neighborhood. Overall, several joint projects and initiatives were implemented, among them a cultural and musical “day of open courtyards”, a construction marketing during the rebuilding of the road as well as a new LED holiday lighting in 54 trees that was realized as a public-private partnership. In addition, strategies for a privately-funded continuation of the coordination project were developed.
The project had its own website, and there was broad press coverage on the project. You can find some samples here (in German): a description of the project, an article on the construction marketing, and a report on the New York marathon.
Pictures: slapa & die raumplaner gmbh, Foto Taube
Active Turmstraße: In motion - busy - popular! Berlin
Competition winner of "Mittendrin Berlin! The Center-Initiative"
As part of the employment with slapa & die raumplaner gmbh, in cooperation with Frecher Spatz e.V.
The goal of this project was to envision the public space of a commercial area in downtown Berlin in a new way, thereby making long-term contributions to a more attractive design and to increase the spatial quality. The core element of the project was the artistic fashioning of 18 power and telephone distribution boxes and additional street furniture like trash bins and advertisement columns along Turmstraße in the Moabit district. A large network of local stakeholders – residents, store and property owners, schools, kindergartens and artists – chose the subjects and executed the designs. Several events, in which local stakeholders were closely involved, provided the setting for the arts-initiative, which was realized between April and October 2013. Through the joint examination of the public space the project was able to encourage a more conscious behavior and to help improve the image of the shopping street.
If you want to learn more about the project, please find two newspaper articles (in German) here and here.
The project was one of three winners of the competition “MittendrIn Berlin”. The initiative awards concepts for projects and activities that help make city centers and shopping streets more attractive on a permanent basis. The competition has been held since 2005 and is a joint initiative of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Berlin Senate and of private partners.
More information at and (websites in German)
Illustrations: slapa & die raumplaner gmbh
Gradual urban development of former Tempelhof airfield, Berlin
Competition, first prize group
With Rolf Teloh and Achim Nelke (urban essences), Cornelia Müller and Jan Wehberg (Lützow 7)
The goal of this competition was the activation and gradual development of the unused airport site as a lively, integrated city quarter. The two-stage idea competition was commissioned by the Berlin Department of Urban Development. Particular attention was to be paid to the historic significance of the location as one of the world’s first civic airports and the site of the Berlin Airlift. In our proposal, terraces frame the former airfield with a simple yet strong physical gesture. They create spaces for temporary and permanent uses as well as places in which the public can interact. These development concepts are developed jointly with local stakeholders. The urban design takes the standards for energy efficiency to a new level. Through our proposal, the communities and building fabrics of the neighboring districts of Neukölln, Kreuzberg and Tempelhof can permanently grow together. Further information (website in German)
Environmental Assessment for City Tech, New York
Wall and Associates (today Stantec), New York
For the preparation of building projects in various New York neighborhoods I was commissioned to take over environmental assessments and to draw up environmental impact statements. In order to weigh up the impact of planned projects on the urban environment and to identify potential conflicts of uses, I undertook comprehensive analyses in areas such as land use, demographics, urban design, noise, traffic and socio-economic conditions. As a result, I created informative maps and plans as well as precise reports. Planned projects ranged from the reuse of commercial and church spaces for residential uses to a 65-story high-rise building with academic, commercial and residential uses in Downtown Brooklyn.
Belo Horizonte, Brasil:
Participatory planning at the local level in the favela Vila Apolonia
Team members: Pippa Brashear, Tim Caito, Payal Luthra
This project culminated in the proposal of an integrative development plan for the Vila Apolonia settlement and its neighboring districts while taking into account existing local and regional master plans and the expectations of various stakeholders. Through analysis, research and field work, my team devised an enabling environment that helps blur social and physical boundaries. Moreover, the integration of our strategies with the natural environment reduces unhealthy living conditions resulting from harsh topography as well as insufficient water and sewer systems while minimizing necessary housing removals.
Applying Geographic Information Systems
Jackson, Wyoming
A topografical study of its land use and its people
In this project I used various vector relational, raster and image processing types of GIS to apply aspects of data documentation, cartography and analytical evaluation. I explored multi-layered questions and defended complex arguments by combining detailed geographic representations with GIS procedures. As the basis of these representations, I used data from various sources, including terrain, demographics, land use and built infrastructure, as well as aerial and satellite imagery and georeferenced historical maps.